What college student doesn’t have a smart phone these days? Whether you’ve got an iPhone, Android or Blackberry, we all know that half of the fun of owning a smart phone is playing around with all of the fun apps. Our list of apps will help you manage your studying time, translate on the go and even have some fun. Let’s take a look at the most useful apps for college students.
Translate On The Go With Word Lens
Thinking of studying abroad for a semester or backpacking through Europe for the summer? Word Lens is a cool app that can translate on the go. What makes Word Lens unique is that you can point your smart phone at a written word and it will transform the words on your screen to English. You can point it at menus, books, signs or just about anything you would like.
Kill Time With Angry Birds
All study and no time for play can make for quite a gloomy day. Why not kill some time between classes with a fun game of Angry Birds? Angry Birds is an addictive and fun game where you use a slingslot with the intent of hitting pigs that may be hidden under different structures. Best of all, the game is budget friendly. The HD version game can be purchased from iTunes for just $2.99
Stay On Track With Study Tracker
It’s crucial for students manage their study time wisely in order to succeed. It’s even more challenging for students who are attending online colleges to manage their time since they are solely responsible for attending online classes while managing study time with work and family life. Study Tracker is an app that allows you to keep track of how much time you are spending on each subject. The program can even generate a graph that lets you know exactly how you are doing. College can be overwhelming for new students due to a more challenging and fast paced curriculum. A time organization app such as Study Tracker can be a great aid when it comes to time management.
Save Big Bucks With Gas Buddy
As we all know, most students are on a tight budget. Tuition and books can be pricey and room and board can also cost a pretty penny. With the rising cost of gasoline some students may find it hard to keep their tank filled up. Gas Buddy is a free app that lets you see how much nearby gas stations are charging so you can go to the cheapest one. Gas prices can vary quite a bit in the same city; saving 10 cents per gallon can really add up if you are filling up a large SUV.
Author Bio :
Jenalese Stella – Jenalese is an author who enjoys writing about technology and social media.
Thanks for sharing great information about the coolest apps for university students. I think that I will recommend it to my friend because she is always failing at her test.