Google recently introduced the world to Project Glass, a new experiment which involves the development of the company’s own branded eyeglasses. The project was announced on the social networking site Google+ and shortly thereafter, explained in more detail via a YouTube video. Despite being an experimental concept that is still under wraps in the lab, Project Glass has generated tons of hype and intrigue from the public. But is it really all it’s cracked up to be?
The Appeal of Google Glasses
Perhaps the best way to describe the newly introduced Google Glasses is as a concept that bundles all the functionality of a computer or smartphone into a pair of specs. From what is currently known, the device will be able to perform tasks such as pull up maps for directions, make phone calls, and even host video-based chat sessions. Google Glasses looks to have a number of potentially useful applications, especially for individuals who are handicapped or otherwise disabled.
Cause for Concern
While Google Glasses are no doubt a part of an exciting concept, there is no guarantee that they will be a big hit with users. Actually, the chances of them being a disappointment are just as good as them being a success at this point. Check out some of the potential drawbacks that have been identified thus far:
Durability (lack thereof) – From what we have seen, Google Glasses look pretty trendy and futuristic, but they don’t look very durable at all. They actually look as if they can be damaged with relative ease so users would have to be extra cautious when handling them.
Privacy – One of the biggest conversations regarding Project Glass has been the resulting privacy implications. Privacy buffs are already concerned that these innovative specs could cross boundaries and prove too invasive, particularly from a targeted advertising perspective. With Google seemingly always at the center of privacy dilemma, this concern is warranted.
Adoption – As we said, the Google Glasses certainly look like they can be useful in certain situations, but slow user adoption may be the factor that prevents this thing from taking off. For one, significant modifications may need to be made in order to accommodate people with prescription eyeglasses. Then there is the aspect of the glasses presenting everything at such close range, which could be an advantage in a sense, but really is impractical in everyday scenarios.
Vision Into the Future
Google Glasses may sound like a farfetched idea today, but so did smartphones and tablets at one time. But whatever the finished product delivers, it could be years before we can actually get our hands on it. Experts have warned that no one should expect Project Glass to come to life any time soon. For Google’s sake, hopefully it can be faster on the draw than competitors who reportedly already have rival technologies in the works.