Save Money with Apps

5 Apps to Help You Save Money

As we all know, saving money is tough.  We live in a consumer-driven society, where advertisements and businesses are constantly trying to manipulate us––both consciously and subconsciously––into buying their products. …

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Giveaway #1: 3 Unlimited Web Hosting Accounts for 1 year from Zyma

We are happy to announce that, we are conducting our first Giveaway in this Blog 🙂 Giveaway Prize : 3 Unlimited Web Hosting Accounts for 1 year from Zyma We are…

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Android 4.0 to be offered for LG Smartphones

Android 4.0 to be offered to LG Smartphones

Confirming the news, LG has posted on its company’s Facebook account that it would offer the Android 4.0 or the Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) OS upgrade in the second and…

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Top Ten must have Stylish Fonts

Top 10 Must Have Stylish Fonts

You may have been seeing simple fonts like Arial , Courier , Comic Sans MS . Now here are the Best Fonts which must be present in every PC ….

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