play android games on computer

How to: Play Android Games on PC

Play Android Games on PC Android has taken the pleasure and the thrill to play games on mobile to an altogether to a different level. What has replaced the age old portable…

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Registry Editing

How to Enable Registry Editing

The registry editor is a registry editing tool that comes standard in all Windows operating systems. The registry editor can be disabled, locked and blocked protect important system registry files….

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Simple Animation

Creating a Simple Animation from Scratch

Creating a simple animation is fairly easy. Learning the basics requires only a bit of patience and practice. There are two ways you can create animation on your own, using…

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11 Golden Tips to Make your PC Faster and Smoother

11 Golden Tips to Make your PC Faster and Smoother

11 Golden Tips to Make your PC Faster and Smoother Have you ever wondered why your PC is slow? Don’t worry; it is possible to make your PC considerably faster,…

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