Guest Posting is one of the most popular ways to build backlinks for your site or blog. It is considered as a win-win game for the blog owner as well as for the guest author. Guest author gets a link to his/her blog whereas the blog owner gets a free article to keep his/her blog updated.
Now, you might be thinking that if guest blogging is beneficial for both parties then why this article is about “not to accept guest posts on your blog”. The main reason which made me to write this article is the low quality articles which is offered by guest bloggers only to gain links to their blog or site. Now guest bloggers are using guest posting just as a method to build quality links to his/her blog not for increasing readership. The over exploitation of guest posting is harmful for blog owner and guest blogger as well. Now, if you are a blog owner and accepting guest posts on your blog then this article is for you. In this article I will be going to share few reasons to not accept guest posts on your blog.
Low Quality Content Guest Posting:
As you all know that content is the most important thing to get ranked in search engine results. If you are accepting guest posts on your blog then it is difficult to maintain the quality of content on your site. This is because of the low quality content offered by the guest authors. To maintain your reputation in search engines you should not accept guest posts on your blog.
Loss of Readers:
Publishing guest posts on your blog is like serving food of other’s restaurant in your restaurant. Your blog readers are there for reading your article not for reading other’s articles. If you are accepting guest posts then you can lose your precious readers. To avoid the chances of losing your readers you should avoid accepting guest posts on your blog.
Low Quality Links in Guest Posts:
Sometimes you may get spammy links or low quality links in guest posts. These low quality links can harm your blog’s reputation in search engines. It is always suggested to check the sites before linking it from your post. Make sure the sites you are linking to should not be blacklisted by the search engines.
Need Editorial Efforts:
Sometimes publishing guest post requires more time than the time needed to write your own article. This is because of the formatting of the guest posts. Most of the guest bloggers send unfurnished articles which takes extra time to make them suitable for your blog. If you are thinking that by accepting guest posts on your blog you will be able to save your time then you may be wrong.
These were few reasons why you should not accept guest posts on your blog. If you are accepting guest posts on your blog then share your reasons why you are accepting guest posts on your blog.
Author Bio: This article is written by Tarun Jaitely, he writes about SEO, Blogging Tips and tricks. He recommends you to read his latest post on SEO factors 2013 on his blog Smart Blogger Tricks.
Excellent post, Tarun. Ethical guest blogging is DEFINITELY a win-win for both. Sadly, this great method to derive organic backlinks has been abused by many. That said, quality and relevant content always win, and, luckily, there are still guest bloggers and site owners who provide this. Thanks for posting this!
totally agree with you whenever i receive a guest post it takes years to edit it and then publish it.