15 Different SEO Factors That You Should Not Ignore


In course of your surfing stint, what would you be on the lookout for? Obviously, as users of search engines, you will be geared to the prospect of information. The need is mutual and double pronged. Just as you are on the lookout for quality content with chisels of information, the respective bloggers would come up with his very best in order to keep you lured in. This is where the SEO factors assume paramount significance in helping bloggers with the ins and outs of site management so that they can satisfy you and vice versa.

  • On as well as off page factors of SEO are to be borne in mind

Both are equally important. Just as it is important to look after the quality and content of blog that is yours, it is similarly important to dwell upon those belonging to that of the others. Off page factors of optimization ultimately serves to enrich your experience of blogging both directly as well as indirectly.

  • Insistence on quality

There can be no substitute for quality; obviously, the quality pertains to that of the content. Whether you are using the service of a shopping mall or that of a blogger, as a user, the thrust will naturally be on utility. A blog lacking in quality, cannot live up to the prospect of utility.

  • Choice of content

What you choose as your blog content and societal relevance of the same is another important SEO consideration.

  • Be well aware of the researched guidelines of Penguin

This is because, it has valuable clues enlightening as well as warning you on ways and means so that you may not be spammed.

  • Try to appeal to the reading experience of the users

Certain bare minimum basics including due observance of the nuances of fundamental grammar and sentence construction are good enough to add to the user’s appeal.

  • Proper usage of heading as well as sub heading isn’t to be overlooked

The way you are dealing with your heading as well as Meta tags have direct bearing on your overall ranking.

  • The placement and distribution of keywords

Minimal as well as excess optimization can be one of the impairing factors of SEO. This in turn calls for judicious and thoroughly researched use of keywords.

  • Link optimization

This is another vitally significant SEO factor, wherein you can draw in more and more visitors with useful links from sites that are authorized.

  • Use of relevant software

It is necessary for the purpose of link optimization.

  • It is always better to dwell upon a particular niche

Instead of having your blog replete with a wide plethora of niches, it is preferable concentrating on a particular slot of specialization.

  • It is important to strike the chord of social connectivity

You can do so by backing up your site with the relevant fusion of sites involved in social networking.

  • Effective use of free list of mails

This is another important SEO factor which cannot be ignore. The leading web based marketers make use of the same.

  • Proximity to reality as well as creativity

Just follow the latest guidelines so that you can present a uniquely original content without resorting to duplication.

  • Loading speed

Yes, it is true that speed and easy access to information can contribute to the popularity of your blog in the scheme of SEO.

  • How you handle the comments

It also boils down to how you handle the comments posted therein. Comments adding to the value of your post can ensure better indexation in the scheme of SEO ranking.

It’s just not one or two, but a plethora of factors which you cannot afford to overlook in order to be a successful blogger.

Author Bio:

This is a guest post by Rajkumar on behalf of http://www.techieride.com/ and http://www.techieword.com/


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