5 Best Tablets of 2012 :
This year has already been a good one for gadgets and gizmos, with some fine new models having been announced. But, if you’re thinking about splashing the cash on a new mobile device then the tablet PC is hard to resist. Ever since Apple unveiled its first incarnation of the iPad a couple or so years ago, there has been a steady stream of similar devices coming onto the market. The only problem with that is deciding which one to buy.
With plenty to choose from there’s something to suit every kind of budget, which means that you can pick from low-end devices that are cheap and cheerful, but should have the majority of must-have features of a tablet. That should include touchscreen functionality, lots of mobile Internet capability and, of course, the capacity for downloading and installing apps, those funky little chunks of software that can boost the productivity of your chosen model.
Five of the best
Naturally, one of the most in-demand tablet devices for this year will be the new version of the Apple iPad. The new model has been dismissed by some as not being radically different enough to justify replacing the second edition, but there is much that makes the revised device a quality purchase. For starters, you get that Retina display, so-called because it boasts an incredibly high resolution that makes watching movies a divine experience. There’s also a faster processor, better camera with HD video capability and improved battery life too.
However, there are plenty of other options if you’re either not into Apple products, don’t want to spend so much or simply prefer an alternative operating system to get your computing chores done. If that’s the case then you’re probably better off heading down the route of Android, the OS created by Google which has become a smash hit, not only with tablet owners but smartphone fans too. The great thing about Android is that it has a proven track record of reliability, stability and there are plenty of apps available for it as well.
Best of the rest of 5 Best Tablets of 2012 :
So if it’s Android you’re after then try taking a look at the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, which has been revamped and is now one of the closest rivals to the iPad in terms of what it can do. The build quality is excellent; the features are packed in while the price, if you shop around, can be affordable too. Then there is the Sony S, which is another fine tablet that comes with the trademark style and build quality associated with this brand. Those who desire a more traditional keyboard arrangement might prefer to have a look at the Asus Eee Transformer Prime, which is an Android tablet with a detachable keyboard dock that’s pretty cool.
However, if you’re looking for an altogether different tablet experience then perhaps the Asus Padfone might entice you, because this is a mobile gadget that combines both a tablet and a smartphone into one unusual device. Granted, it might not be conventional, but it’s just the sort of thing that might appeal if you tire of the continual praise of the great, though rather conventional, lines of the iPad.