Create your Own Windows 7 Theme

Create your own Windows 7 Theme

Windows 7 , the latest and the Secured Windows Operating System . Customizing it is an important task . You may be changing Wallpapers for your PC . But have you Changed your Theme . Theme of Windows 7 has a bunch of wallpapers , Sounds , Different Icons , Cursors and much more . Here are some windows 7 themes which you can download :

Create your own Windows 7 Theme
Create your own Windows 7 Theme
You can download those above theme . And you can even create your Own Windows 7 Theme :
Step 1 : Right Click your Desktop > Personalize >Desktop Background
Desktop Background Selection
Step 2 :Browse your Wallpapers and Check out the Boxes there :
Windows+7+themes+photos+selection How To Create Your Own Windows 7 Theme
Step 3 : Click Save Changes Now the Window Color Palate,You can use any color but I suggest you always use the Color which are relevant and similar to your images. To select Colors you will see an option Windows Colors .Just click and select the color of your wish,you can even make a transparent option by Drag the Slider and save changes.See the bellow image…
Select+the+colour+of+your+choice How To Create Your Own Windows 7 Theme

Now your Windows 7 Theme is ready ,but remember it is saved as Unknown Theme , To give a name to that theme Right Click on it and select Save Theme. And Name it . That’s it . Why are you Waiting Create your Own Theme with your Favorite Characters.